Monday, December 15, 2014

A Shift in the Plan . . .

I wanted to share with our friends and family that don’t already know that our family will be moving back west, to Las Vegas on Wednesday. Rob and I have been provided an amazing opportunity to continue working with the developing world, but now in a different way. Our goal still remains the same: to impact people in the developing world in a way that first gives them basic needs, then education and useful skills and hopefully (eventually) more life purpose. So, after a series of crazy miraculous intertwined events, an unbelievable opportunity was presented to us, as far as our path towards beginning to accomplish this goal. Several months ago Rob became a partner in a mobile water treatment manufacturing company - it's currently called Storm Sharks - as the technology was originally developed to treat contaminated storm water run-off - It will soon become, which will adapt the technology for safe drinking water, grey water and industrial water. The state of Nevada is offering financial incentives that the company just couldn't pass up, and thus it is moving its operations to Las Vegas. Rob (with his partners) will be setting-up these new operations and will then begin marketing the product in a wider area of industries (including the developing world) internationally. I’ll also be helping the company on the financial side, maybe some HR/recruiting and proposal/grant writing (or whatever other “hat” I need to wear to help), etc.

We are all very excited (the boys too!) about this leap of faith and to be headed back west and closer to our family and friends in California and Arizona, but are sad to be moving further away from our east coast family and friends. I want to apologize upfront, as it may get a little bit too spiritual for some of you, but I truly can’t think of another way to describe the turn of events that had to happen for us to be headed towards this goal, while at the same time having a wonderful opportunity to partner with two families that we love and have the utmost respect for. As much as we thought the Foreign Service was our path towards achieving our goal to serve and impact others, the Lord made it obvious to us that this is the path we need to be taking (not sure why it needed to be such a winding road, but who am I to question?). It’s a long story, but in short, there was a multitude of things that happened at the right times and places for this all to come together so perfectly, that ONLY the grand choreographer of life could have been the one in charge of it all! And though, yes we have some worries and fears about it all, it still seems unreal and we still keep pressing forward because we know ALL things are possible with God! So we can’t wait to get started and take this to the next level (ok yes, prayers are much needed and accepted at all times – ha!)!

The bottom line is we’ll be living in North Las Vegas (yes this is a separate incorporated city, which I had no idea), but we’ll be only 20-25 minutes from the Vegas strip, so PLEASE don’t hesitate to look us up when you’re visiting Vegas . . we’re super hopeful we’ll not only be able to visit more with our family and friends that live in Cali and Arizona, but that we’ll be able to visit with our East Coast family that doesn’t mind an occasional visit out west to Vegas (like who doesn’t?!?)! And there’s ALWAYS a free room available at Casa de Robinson! We can’t wait to see everyone in Vegas! Wish us luck (and I’m not talking about at the casinos – lol!)!!!